Active UserProfil von evilwizard

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Profilaufrufe: 79 Aufrufe
Mitglied seit: 01.06.2024
Zuletzt Online: Vor 4 Monaten
Online Zeit (30 Tage): 0 Minute(n)
Online Zeit (Gesamt): 356 Minute(n)
Prozent: [ Lade Benutzer Rank... ]


Benutzername: evilwizard
Name: - Bitte einloggen -
Geschlecht: Männlich
Ort: - Bitte einloggen -
Alter: - Bitte einloggen -
NuclearCoins: 175


About Me: neurodivergent trans gay guy that loves early gaming, cryptids, (occult) philosophy and anything to do with the paranormal. talk to me about ghosts and aliens and stuff!
Status: releasing the hounds
Pronouns: he/him
Mood: silly
Education: in-progress bachelor's (game design major philosophy minor)
Occupation: game dev, writer, artist
Movies like most: *games I like the most 😏 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2006), Blasphemous (2019), Deus Ex (2000)
Music Like most: fav bands are ajj and ghost 🎸 i love classic rock, metal, folk, punk, new wave and anything weird or 60's-90's

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